- | 6 | -column Content Layout Section

This Content Layout Section places features into a Primary Content Area that occupies the centre 6 columns of the page.

icon for 6 column layout

Text Example

This is a Text Feature in the -|6|- Content Layout.

There are several features that cannot be used in this layout. One of them is internal links.

Therefore, links to available content appear below in a 12 Column Content Layout

Image Feature

description looks like this

Grey icon of a photograph on a pale background

Hey hey! this is a summary

Feedback Form

Text and Image Example

This is the description for this feature.

Grey icon of a photograph on a pale background

Here is the text part of the image feature.

  • a bulleted list
  • in the text

And here is an

  1. ordered
  2. list


This is the feature summary.

Available Features

These features are available in this Content Layout

Text Feature
Text Feature
Use a Rich Text Editor (RTE) to enter and format text.
Separator Feature
Separator Feature
Place a horizontal element across the Content Area creating a visual separation between features.
Feedback Feature
Feedback Feature
Configure a form on the page that permits users to send an email to a specified address.